Why do pilots not fly planes over Tibet? This is the reason behind it

Why do pilots not fly planes over Tibet? This is the reason behind it

Nowadays most people prefer to travel by flight. Because long distance journey is completed in a few hours. But do you know that there is a place on earth, over which pilots are afraid to fly planes. Yes, we are talking about the plateaus of Tibet. Today we will tell you why pilots do not fly planes over the plateaus of Tibet. 


India’s neighbor and surrounded by beautiful plateaus, Tibet is known for its ancient history and beauty. But today we will tell you why pilots do not fly flights over the plateaus of Tibet. Not only this, when flights from all over the world travel in Asia, they do not pass over Tibet. Actually Tibet is the highest plateau in the world, due to which flights are not flown over this region. 

Roof of the World

Tibet is called the roof of the world. That is because there are many high mountains here. The world’s two highest peaks, Mount Everest and K2, are both located here. If the main engine of the plane fails for some reason, it is flown with the help of the second engine. But the plane cannot fly at a high altitude with the help of the second engine. In such a situation, it will have to fly very low and it can collide with any mountain.

Reason for not flying

Retired Joint Director of Education Department in Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh and Geography Expert R A Singh told Indian Express that the average height of the Tibetan Plateau is more than 4,500 meters (14,764 feet). There is also no shortage of oxygen at high altitude. Apart from this, when the oxygen level is low, the engine also needs more power, for which the potential fuel consumption increases. 

Clean air turbulence

Let us tell you that when the wind pattern changes in the sky, then the pressure becomes less or more, then it is called turbulence. Due to turbulence, flights often start shaking in the sky, but the pilot can identify the turbulence while sitting in his cabin. After which he can control the flight himself. But this does not happen in the Tibet region. Here there is clean air turbulence, which is not visible to the pilot in advance. Apart from this, the pilot does not have the option of emergency landing in the Tibet region.

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